District Contact Information
Jeridon Clark
Last modified: October 15, 2021
CESA 1: Mequon-Thiensville
Eureka Math, 2015
Math | Grades: K–2, 3–5 | Stage 3 | Adopted: 2015
Zearn, 2017
Math | Grades: K–2, 3–5 | Stage 4 | Adopted: 2015
Fountas & Pinnell Phonics, Spelling, and Word Study System, 2018
English Language Arts | Grades: K–2, 3–5 | Stage 3 | Adopted: Pre-2014
Units of Study in Reading (Lucy Calkins)
English Language Arts | Grades: K–2, 3–5 | Stage 3 | Adopted: Pre-2014