Teachers deserve high-quality instructional materials and ongoing support to implement those materials. Mounting evidence suggests that providing teachers with access to high-quality, standards-aligned instructional materials and curriculum-based professional learning can result in improvement in student outcomes, making this a research-based continuous improvement strategy. The purpose of sharing these results is to enable districts to observe instructional materials being used, negotiate purchasing discounts with neighbors, or contract for professional learning from a vendor in a consortium using the same materials. More information is available at dpi.wi.gov/impl. Information presented on this site was collected in the spring of 2021.
Riverview Elementary (Silver Lake J1)
Units of Study in Reading (Lucy Calkins)
English Language Arts | Grades: 3–5 | Adopted: 2018 | Stage 2
Riverview Elementary (Silver Lake J1)
Units of Study in Reading (Lucy Calkins)
English Language Arts | Grades: 6–8 | Adopted: 2018 | Stage 2
Riverview Elementary (Silver Lake J1)
Units of Study in Reading (Lucy Calkins)
English Language Arts | Grades: K–2 | Adopted: 2018 | Stage 2
Riverview Elementary (Wausau)
Superkids Reading Program
English Language Arts | Grades: K–2 | Adopted: 2016 | Stage 4
Riverview Elementary (Wautoma Area)
FOSS Next Generation
Science | Grades: K–2, 3–5 | Adopted: 2020 | Stage 2
Riverview Elementary (Wautoma Area)
Math Expressions, 2018
Math | Grades: K–2, 3–5 | Adopted: 2020 | Stage 3
Riverview Middle (Barron Area)
English Language Arts | Grades: 6–8 | Adopted: 2018 | Stage 2
Riverview Middle (Plymouth Joint)
Open Up Resources 6–8 Math
Math | Grades: 6–8 | Adopted: 2017 | Stage 3
Riverview Middle (Plymouth Joint)
Fountas & Pinnell Phonics, Spelling, and Word Study System, 2019
English Language Arts | Grades: 6–8 | Adopted: 2019 | Stage 2
Riverview Middle (Plymouth Joint)
Other: EB Academics, 2021
English Language Arts | Grades: 6–8 | Adopted: 2021 | Stage 0
Riverwest Elementary
English Language Arts | Grades: K–2, 3–5 | Adopted: Pre-2014 | Stage 3
Roberts Elementary
Units of Study in Phonics (Lucy Calkins), 2019
English Language Arts | Grades: K–2, 3–5 | Adopted: 2021 | Stage 2
Roberts Elementary
Units of Study in Reading (Lucy Calkins), 2015
English Language Arts | Grades: K–2, 3–5 | Adopted: 2016 | Stage 3
Robinson Elementary (Beloit)
Units of Study in Reading (Lucy Calkins)
English Language Arts | Grades: K–2, 3–5 | Adopted: 2015 | Stage 3
Robinson Elementary (Beloit)
English Language Arts | Grades: K–2, 3–5 | Adopted: 2018 | Stage 2